This blood test seeks the Magnesium level, a low level of which can cause fatigue, muscle weakness, cramps, muscle spasms or even convulsions.
Magnesium is the second most common mineral found inside cells, second only to potassium. It is key to more than 300 reactions in our bodies. A red cell (whole blood) magnesium test should be considered when a patient is suspected of having a lack - particularly seen in malnutrition, alcoholism, and diarrhoea amongst others. Dietary deficiency is surprisingly common though even in the western world - so if reduced intake is suspected this is a test worth considering.
This confidential blood examination for Magnesium is accessible at all of the thirty one Spire hospitals around the UK
Included in every single test request for Magnesium are a Doctors Referral, all Phlebotomy fees (your blood taken at a Private Hospital), all laboratory fees and includes our GP comments.
Inclusions: Magnesium (Blood) (Mg)
Special Instructions: Sample should be separated & frozen within 4 hours. Send to Lab immediately and must be transported on ice.
Attendance Restrictions: No Special Attendance Restrictions.
Laboratory Notes:
Sample Container: 1 x Gold
Fasting: If fasting is required, it will be explained on your Pathology Passport. 8 hours fasting is sufficient when it is required.