Potassium is another essential electrolyte, whose level in the blood is largely determined by the kidneys. Like sodium, screening for low or high levels of potassium can indicate a problem with health due to disease or inappropriate medication. Potassium levels are very sensitive to storage - if there is any delay in testing, the level is often higher than would otherwise be expected. Normally, it is readily apparent if the rise is due to storage change as other test results will usually be normal.
This private blood assessment for Potassium is offered at over thirty two Spire locations that we refer our patients to across England, Scotland and Wales.
Included in every request for Potassium are a Doctors Referral, all Phlebotomy fees (your blood taken at a Private Hospital), all laboratory fees and includes our GP comments.
Inclusions: analysis for this analyte only.
Special Instructions: No Special Instructions.
Attendance Restrictions: No Special Attendance Restrictions.
Laboratory Notes: 3.5 - 5.3
Sample Container: 1 x Gold
Fasting: If fasting is required, it will be explained on your Pathology Passport. 8 hours fasting is sufficient when it is required.